The Jean Monnet Network – AMENET (The European Union, Mediterranean and African Integration in the Global Age) organized a Workshop on development and integration in Africa at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), whose objectives were to reflect on the common future shared by Africa and Europe, to fight against threats and seize opportunities.
At the meeting, topical issues were discussed, such as migration or foreign direct investment in Africa. Five professors from African universities made the following presentations:
- “Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: How to promote sustainable development in the region”, Prof. Albert Agyemang, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Spiritan University College, KUMASI-GHANA.
- “Transdisciplinary Thinking for a better Integration”, Prof. Jorge Brito, Universidade Jean Piaget de CABO VERDE.
- “La importancia socio-económica de las migraciones para África Subsahariana (ASS)”, Prof. Christian Mabi Lukusa, Université Protestante au Congo, KINSHASA-R.D. CONGO
- “Problématique de l’intégration de l’agriculture du Sud-Kivu (RDCongo) dans la Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs“, Prof. Stany Vwima, Université Évangelique en Afrique, BUKAVU- R.D. CONGO
- “Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle En Réplubique Democratique Du Congo, 2005-2012”, Prof. Alain Kikandi, Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, GOMA-R.D. CONGO
In this Workshop, they were also participating: the coordinator of AMENET Network, Luis Ángel Collado, and the Emeritus Professor José M. Mella, member of the Network, Department of Economic Structure and Development Economics of the UAM.